Medforce Blog

The Importance of Full-Text Search

July 14, 2016

Category: General

Because document management is sometimes labeled as simply electronic filing it often conjures up mental images of putting documents away for safe keeping. In reality, electronic retrieval is just as important. To truly maximize your efficiency with regards to document and data storage, you need to pay attention to not only how you get information and documentation in to your system but how you get them out. If you don’t have full-text search capabilities, you are leaving a lot of productivity on the table.

On the front end, storing your documents and data digitally will dramatically improve your time management. You will no longer have to get up from your desk, go to the file cabinet, find the right file, and then sift to the right spot to place a document to ensure you have a complete record for your patient (or vendor or employee, etc.)  Especially if you have an auto-filing system in place, you will be dramatically speeding up handling  the ever-increasing burden of maintaining proper backup.

On the back end, it is full-text search that will dramatically improve speed and accuracy. Document Management isn’t just about creating a repository for your files, but about being able to access and retrieve them quickly. Full-text search is a critical tool in safeguarding against the repercussions of human error as well as simply short-cutting the process of finding exactly what you are looking for.

  • Instantly locate the right document using keywords and/or patient name.
  • Quickly unearth misfiled documents, something that is near-impossible in paper-based systems
  • Locate a specific patient name within a document containing many names (such as an ERN)
  • Ease the scanning of a multi-page document to ensure it contains the information you are looking for

If your paperless software does not include an OCR-driven, full-text search or your vendor insists you need a workaround (such as an external OCR engine) you might want to second guess your choice.  Is the developer offering you an electronic repository that is only half of the equation, or a full-featured document management system? And which one will provide greater time and money savings for your business throughout the entire document lifecycle? Without full text search, you will only be solving half of the problem.  

Medforce’s ContentCenter has both OCR and auto-filing on the front end to improve saving speeds (and, in many cases, make it a purely automated process). It also has full-text search on the back end to minimize document retrieval times. For more information, fill in the form below to speak with one of our consultants. 




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